Keep on keeping on

Navigating the Path of Persistence

In the journey of professional and personal development, the road is often fraught with obstacles. It can be summarized by the stark realities of persistent effort where 80% of the time, doors are closed, 15% of the time, promises remain unfulfilled, and only 5% of the time, meaningful connections and collaborations are forged. Yet, this small percentage drives the will to continue, embodying the joy of "keep on keeping on."

The Closed Doors: 80% of the efforts

The overwhelming majority of efforts to pitch an idea, in our case, oral health in primary healthcare, often result in rejection. Whether it is a proposal for a project, or an attempt to initiate a new initiative, encountering closed doors is a common experience. I am nobody to them- and I know it very well. These moments can be disheartening, leading to feelings of inadequacy and frustration. However, each closed door also serves as a lesson, teaching resilience and the beauty of perseverance. Through these closed doors, we refine our approaches, learn to adapt, and develop the tenacity to continue despite setbacks.

The Empty Promises: 15% of the trying-out

Another significant portion of this journey involves navigating through empty promises. These are the moments when commitments are made but not honored or respected; expectations are set, but not met. Empty promises can be particularly disheartening as they often come from places of hope and trust. Promises can turn out unfruitful with good intentions due to miscommunication and differences in culture (not only ethnic but also work culture). Yet, these experiences are also invaluable in teaching the importance of skepticism and the need to evaluate situations and individuals critically. They underscore the importance of realizing the reality that not all promises will come to fruition.

The Friendship: 5% of all

The remaining 5% of the time is when the fruits of persistence are truly realized. This small percentage represents the moments when efforts culminate in meaningful achievements, beautiful relationships, and synergetic collaborations. These moments are precious and often make the struggles worthwhile. They provide a sense of gratitude, reinforcing the belief that perseverance pays off. The friendships and collaborations formed during this time can have profound impacts, opening new doors and creating opportunities for growth and thriving.

Keep on keeping on

The essence of this journey lies in the philosophy of "keep on keeping on." This mindset is crucial in overcoming rejections and disappointments. It is about maintaining momentum, often times dancing. Growth does not happen in stepwise or linear ways, but it is like dancing: two steps forward, one step backward, two steps backward, and then turn around. This rhythm of dance encourages a long-term perspective, understanding that dancing with persistence buildsthe core muscle for a meaningful and joyful journey in public health, life.


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